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[File Formatessential-com-source.zip

Description: com本质论
Platform: | Size: 213341 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 《COM本质论》的源代码,书已经绝版了,但是代码没有绝版
Platform: | Size: 200786 | Author: 李巧玲 | Hits:

[File Formatessential-com-source

Description: com本质论-com essentialism
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: 杨岗 | Hits:

[Game ProgramDx8.1头文件与库

Description: Directx8.1的头文件和库。进行directx编程必备的东西。无密码,解压后可以直接加入工程或#import进去-Directx8.1 the header files and libraries. DirectX programming for essential things. No password can be unpacked or direct entry into the project into the# import
Platform: | Size: 2673664 | Author: | Hits:

[BooksMS Press - Programming the Microsoft Windows Drive

Description: 驱动程序开发者必备书,以归纳的方法讲解了如何进行驱动程序设计。作者是驱动开发领域的大牛Walter Oney 网站为http://www.oneysoft.com 有书的配套光盘升级程序-Driver Development essential, to incorporate the method on how to conduct the driver design. The writer is a drive to develop a large cattle Walter Oney http://www.oneysoft.com site for a book supporting the CD promotion procedures
Platform: | Size: 6244352 | Author: 王国维 | Hits:


Description: 本书由一流的权威撰写,揭示了COM(组件对象模型)的本质,旨在帮助开发人员真正理解COM的为什么,而不仅限于怎么使用。书中还提供了一个完整的分布式COM应用,演示了各种编程技术。是程序员必备的参考书。 本书适合有经验的软件开发人员阅读,也可作高校计算机相关专业软件组件课的教材。 (附带源码)-The book written by first-class authority, revealing the COM (Component Object Model) the nature, designed to help developers to truly understand why the COM, but not limited to how to use. The book also provides a complete Distributed COM application, demonstration of a variety of programming techniques. Is an essential reference books programmers. This book suitable for experienced software developers to read, but also can be used for college computer-related professional software components class teaching materials. (With source)
Platform: | Size: 18954240 | Author: Yu Fei | Hits:

[source in ebookCOM+program

Description: 【内容简介】 本书由一流的权威撰写,揭示了COM(组件对象模型)的本质,旨在帮助开发人员真正理解COM的为什么,而不仅限于怎么使用。书中还提供了一个完整的分布式COM应用,演示了各种编程技术。是程序员必备的参考书。 本书适合有经验的软件开发人员阅读,也可作高校计算机相关专业软件组件课的教材-[Description] This book written by first-class authority, revealing the COM (Component Object Model) the nature, designed to help developers to truly understand why the COM, but not limited to how to use. The book also provides a complete Distributed COM application, demonstration of a variety of programming techniques. Is an essential reference books programmers. This book suitable for experienced software developers to read, but also can be used for college computer-related professional software components lesson materials
Platform: | Size: 851968 | Author: lyp | Hits:


Description: IDL精髓,讲解最容易令人混淆的概念,是学习COM的必备读物。-IDL essence of the easiest to explain the concept of confusion is an essential reading to learn COM.
Platform: | Size: 7944192 | Author: rhf | Hits:


Description: 《COM本质论》的源代码,书已经绝版了,但是代码没有绝版
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: 李巧玲 | Hits:

[Database systemmysql-essential-5.1.36-win32

Description:  MySQL是一个小型关系型数据库管理系统,开发者为瑞典MySQL AB公司。在2008年1月16号被Sun公司收购。目前MySQL被广泛地应用在Internet上的中小型网站中。由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,尤其是开放源码这一特点,许多中小型网站为了降低网站总体拥有成本而选择了MySQL作为网站数据库。MySQL的官方网站的网址是:www.mysql.com -MySQL is a small relational database management system, developed for the Swedish company MySQL AB. In January 16, 2008 acquired by Sun. MySQL is currently being widely used in the small and medium-sized Internet site. Because of its small size, speed and low total cost of ownership, in particular the characteristics of open source, many small and medium-sized Web sites in order to reduce the total cost of ownership and the choice of the MySQL database as a Web site. MySQL official website address is: www.mysql.com
Platform: | Size: 36463616 | Author: 阮小龙 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEssential_COM

Description: 这是一本迟到的好书。英文原名《Essential COM》,由具有鬼才之称的Don Box撰写,在计算机界,没有人能把COM阐释得比Don Box更清楚。   自1993年COM首次发布以来,COM本身经历了重大的变化,但是它的基本思想和结构一直保持相对稳定,这也正说明了COM思想的魅力所在。尽管如此,由于COM的神秘本质,并不是每个人都能够很容易地理解COM的思想,理解COM的魅力,幸运的是,您看到了这本书,它会告诉您这一切是如何发生的。-Essential COM
Platform: | Size: 18929664 | Author: zhb | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEssntialCOM-PDF

Description: Essential COM 即COM本质论。由具有鬼才之称的Don Box撰写,在计算机界,没有人能把COM阐释得比Don Box更清楚。 自1993年COM首次发布以来,COM本身经历了重大的变化,但是它的基本思想和结构一直保持相对稳定,这也正说明了COM思想的魅力所在。尽管如此,由于COM的神秘本质,并不是每个人都能够很容易地理解COM的思想,理解COM的魅力,幸运的是,您看到了这本书,它会告诉您这一切是如何发生的。 本书无疑是COM领域中最负有盛名的一本书。在亚马逊的排行榜上曾盘踞数月之久,很多专家给其以极高的评价。读完这本书之后,COM对于您会"变得再明白不过了"(这是"Inside OLE"的作者Kraig Brockschmidt和本书的作者DonBox在顿悟了COM和OLE之后的境界)。期望您会有这样的感受。 -A excellent book to learn COM. Whether you are a beginner or a expert, you should read it.
Platform: | Size: 18254848 | Author: Markin | Hits:

[Windows Developcplusplus.com

Description: www.cplus .com上面文档的打包,权威性无庸质疑,日常编程参考必备-www.cplusplus.com the top of the document package, authority beyond question, essential daily programming reference
Platform: | Size: 1745920 | Author: 陈宇 | Hits:


Description: COM一本比较好的书,com的基础。对于提高也比较好。-com
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: 张勇 | Hits:


Description: COM 本质论 Essential COM-Essential COM COM 本质论
Platform: | Size: 18254848 | Author: xunfeng | Hits:


Description: COM本质论,最好的讲述COM组件的一本书。-Essence of COM, the best book about COM components.
Platform: | Size: 18373632 | Author: venky | Hits:

[Delphi VCLDelphi-COM

Description: Delphi COM编程的必备书籍!网上关于Delphi COM编程的书籍很少,这是一本难得的好书!-Delphi COM programming essential books! Delphi COM programming online books on small, this is a rare book!
Platform: | Size: 29202432 | Author: 端午节 | Hits:


Description: 一本介绍com实质的书籍,详细的说明了com的基本和本质,看看吧-Com introduces a real book, a detailed description of the basic and essential com to see it
Platform: | Size: 18255872 | Author: feilonghai | Hits:


Description: Esential COM,COM本质论,一本专门讲微软COM编程技术的专业书籍,书有点老了,但对于COM的讲述对现代的COM编程仍然适用。这本书和潘爱民教授的那本COM编程书一起看,可以帮助你更好地理解COM编程的精髓。-Esential COM, COM Essence, a program devoted to Microsoft COM technology professional books, books a little old, but about right for the COM COM modern programming still apply. This book and Professor Pan Aimin that watching this book COM programming, that can help you better understand the essence of COM programming.
Platform: | Size: 18254848 | Author: jluo | Hits:


Description: 《COM本质论》是COM领域著作中最负盛名的一本,它详细的阐述了COM到底是如何发生的。-Essential COM, the most well known literature in COM area, answer you what s all about COM going on.
Platform: | Size: 18254848 | Author: ruan | Hits:
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